Cooking spices and their uses | Indian spices | different types of spices and their uses

Types of spices, Indian spices
Types of spices

Hello friends welcome to a another knowledgeable post. today in this post i will explain about all cooking spices and all Indian spices and their uses, which spices we use daily in our kitchen,and used by this we enhance or increase the flavour, taste, colour of dishes.

Spice can be a fruit,or seed or flower or leaves or bark, we use spices in cooking for colouring , for adding flavour to the food and sometimes we use spices for garnishing the food. So spices are  very important ingredients in cooking. 

So in this post i will explain about different types of spices and their uses and some health benefits.

Cumin spice, types of spices

CUMIN:  cumin is a very important spice,in India it is very popular spice. Cumin is seed ,and we use it after its dried , cumin provide a aromatic,nutty flavour to the food . We use cumin a whole or ground , basically we use cumin in cooking for making savory dishes, fish,meat, curry, etc. And we use cumin in cookies.

Health Benefits of cumin: 

• cumin helps in digestion

• cumin contain iron , so cumin may control your iron levelsl.

CLOVE : clove is flower , in Indonesia its very famous and popular spice.people use it after it dried. Clove provide a strong aromatic flavour . We can use it as whole or ground. We use cloves in hot beverages,like tea. And it also used in savory dishes,used in cake, cookies, sweets, 

Health benefits of cloves : 

• clove helps to protect against cancer

• cloves are good for our teeth and liver

• cloves kill bacteria

Cardamom, types of spices
CARDAMOM :  cardamom is a seed , basically cardamom are two types , black cardamom and green cardamom. Cardamom has nice flavour that's why people like its very much , personally i like cardamom. And cardamom is the most expensive spice in the world .

We use cardamom in hot beverages like tea, cookies, sweets, stews, soups and Currys cardamom have a magical flavour.we can use cardamom as whole or ground. 

Health benefits of cardamom : 

• cardamom helps in digestion

• cardamom are good for our teeth, people who have bad breath problem they can use cardamom 

• cardamom protect against cancer

MACE : mace is a flower of nutmeg seed. Mace is a types of spice, and nutmeg is also a spice. We use mace flower after it dried , mace flower provide a nice flavour to the food

Health benefits od Mace : 

• people who have vomiting problem they can use mace flower 

• people use mace to control their stomach pain

Cinnamon sticks, types of spices
cinnamon sticks

CINNAMON :  cinnamon is a very popular spice in the whole world. Basically is a bark. And people use it after dried. Cinnamon has a aromatic flavour, people like cinnamon sticks very much because of its magical flavour . We can use cinnamon stick as whole or ground . 

We use cinnamon in sweets, savory dishes, snack food, in savory dishes,and it also used in hot beverages.

Health benefits of cinnamon : 

• cinnamon can low the level of blood sugar 

• reduce heart disease

• cinnamon protect against cancer

FENUGREEK SEED: fenugreek is a type of spices , which is most important spice and fenugreek has also Many health Benefits. Basically fenugreek is a type of seed . fenugreek leaves also is a important ingredient in cooking . In India it's very popular spice , people use fenugreek and fenugreek leaves both ,in cooking 

Health benefits of fenugreek : 

• people use fenugreek for diabetes

• fenugreek helps to reduce lowering blood sugar 

• it also reduce cholesterol levels

Chilly, types of spices

CHILLI : chilli has most important role in cooking , it is the most important spice in cooking, basically chilly is fruits and their are many types of chilly ( if you want to briefly then comments and then i will make a post about types of chilly)

We can use chilly as paste ,or  whole , ground . Chilly also known as '' the queen of spices " 

Chilly are used in cooking for making pickles, making delicious spicy dishes, chutney, etc.

Health benefits of chilly : 

• green chilli are good for our skin

• Chillis are increasing our immune system

Peppercorns, types of spices

PEPPERCORNS : peppercorn is a type of spices which is most famous spice . Peppercorn is type of fruit . We use peppercorn after its dried.

There are many types of peppercorns-

Green peppercorn

Black peppercorn

White peppercorn

Red peppercorn

Pink peppercorn

Basically black and white peppercorns are most used in cooking. We use peppercorn for sprinkling on salads,cut fruits, etc.

Health benefits of peppercorns : 

• peppercorn can control our blood sugar

• peppercorn fighting against cancer

Nutmeg, types of spices

NUTMEG : nutmeg is a type of seed . Nutmeg is also a spice. We can use nutmeg as whole or ground.

Nutmeg health benefits : 

• nutmeg helps in digest

• nutmeg used for make medicine

• who have bad breathing problem they can receive nutmeg 

Star anise, type of spices
Star anise

STAR ANISE : star anise is a fruit . Which is looking like a star shape that's why its called star anise. Star anise have a strong flavour ,we use star anise as whole or ground , star anise is very famous in China

star anise used in sweet dishes, dessert,bread, muffins

Health Benefits of star anise : 

• star anise helps in digest

• star anise have anti bacterial properties

Coriander, types of spices

CORIANDER : coriander is a dried seed or fruit, coriander leaves also a very important ingredient in cooking we can use coriander seed as whole or ground.

Basically coriander comes from parsley family.

 Coriander are used in Indian, Mexican,and latin cuisine. Coriander used for making soups, sauces, curry etc.

Health benefits of coriander : 

• coriander have skin protect properties

• coriander helps in digest

• coriander control blood sugar level

Mustard seed, types of spices
Mustard seed

MUSTARD SEED : mustard is a small seed and types of spices. In India (west Bengal ) its very famous. We use it for colouring the food and making gravy etc.

Turmeric, types of spices

TURMERIC : turmeric is a root and also a spice its comes from ginger family , turmeric is a colouring agent. Basically we use it for colouring the food.

Health benefits of turmeric : 

• turmeric has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties

• turmeric has anti cancer properties

• turmeric is very good for our skin

Ginger, types of spices

GINGER : ginger is a types of roots and also a spice, we can use ginger as whole or ground, basically ginger are used in kitchen for making gravy's, Currys, and for marinades.

Health benefits of ginger : 

• ginger reduce body pain

Garlic, type of spices

GARLIC : garlic is type of root and also a spice . Garlic is very common ingredients in every Chinese dishes.garlic are used for making gravy, Currys,etc.
